| 1. | The king had cognizance of plots against him . 国王觉察到了反判他的阴谋。 |
| 2. | The japanese to a man had been plotting against them . 日本人个个都对他们居心叵测。 |
| 3. | Proud nobles quarrelled or plotted against each other . 傲慢的贵族们彼此争斗,互相暗算。 |
| 4. | The men were imprisoned for plotting against the government . 这些人因密谋反对政府而被监禁。 |
| 5. | You are cooking up these fantastic plots against your feelings . 你是在虚构出这些荒诞故事来捉弄自己的感情。 |
| 6. | She was exiled from her country because of her part in the plot against the government . 她因参与反政府的阴谋而遭驱逐出国。 |
| 7. | Order was restored and the king granted amnesty to those who had plotted against him . 秩序已恢复,国王大赦曾阴谋反抗他的人。 |
| 8. | Agents have uncovered a plot against the president 特工人员发现了一个反对总统的阴谋 |
| 9. | The police have uncovered a plot against the president 警方已揭露了一件谋害总统的阴谋。 |
| 10. | They were accused of being privy to the plot against the king 他们被控欺君谋反、知情不举 |